Dates & Links

Existential Authors throughout the Ages

Gilgamesh (Noah) 2750 BC
Dwaipayana (Krishna) 1500 BC
Moses 1400–1280 BC
Upanishads 800 to 300 BCE
Zoroaster 630–553 BC
Lao–Tze 604–531 BC
Buddha 563–510 BC
Confucius 557–479 BC
Heraclitus 540–480 BC
Parmenides 515–450 BC
Sophocles 496–406 BC
Socrates 469–399 BC
Plato 427–347 BC
Diogenes 413 –323 BC
Aristotle 384–322 BC
Epicurus 341–270 BC
Zeno 335–263 BC
Cicero 106–43 BC
Lucretius 98–51 BC
Jesus Christ 4 BC–29 AD
Seneca 1–65
Epictetus 55–135
Marcus Aurelius 121–180
Augustine 354–430
Muhammed 571–632
Hildegard von Bingen 1098–1179
Mohammed Rumi 1207–1273
Thomas Aquinas 1225–1274
Meister Eckhart 1260–1328
Alighieri Dante 1265–1321
Desiderius Erasmus 1465–1536
Martin Luther 1483–1546
Niccolo Macchiavelli 1469–1527
Michel de Montaigne 1533–1592
William Shakespeare 1564–1616
Thomas Hobbes 1588–1679
René Descartes 1596–1650
Blaise Pascal 1623–1662
Baruch de Spinoza 1632–1677
John Locke 1632–1704
Gottfried Leibniz 1646–1716
George Berkeley 1685–1753
David Hume 1711–1776
Jean Jacques Rousseau 1712–1778
Immanuel Kant 1724–1804
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749–1832
Friedrich Schiller 1759–1805
Friedrich Schleiermacher 1768–1834
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770–1831
Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin 1770–1843
Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772–1834
Arthur Schopenhauer 1788–1860
John Stuart Mill 1806–1873
Max Stirner 1806–1856
Charles Dickens 1812–1870
Sören Kierkegaard 1813–1855
Karl Marx 1818–1883
George Eliot 1819–1880
Friedrich Engels 1820–1895
Fyodor Dostoyevski 1821–1881
Leo Tolstoy 1828–1910
Wilhelm Dilthey 1833–1911
Franz Brentano 1838–1917
William James 1842–1910
Friedrich Nietzsche 1844–1900
Carl Stumpf 1848–1936
Hans Vaihinger 1852–1933
Sigmund Freud 1856–1939
Ferdinand de Saussure 1857–1913
Emile Durkheim 1858–1917
Henri–Louis Bergson 1859–1941
Edmund Husserl 1859–1938
Pierre Janet 1859–1947
John Dewey 1859–1952
George Santayana 1863–1952
Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo 1864–1936
Jakob von Uexküll 1864–1944
Lev Shestov 1866–1938
Rosa Luxembourg 1870–1919
Alfred Adler 1870–1937
Alexander Pfänder 1870–1941
Marcel Proust 1871–1922
Max Scheler 1874–1928
Nikolai Berdyaev 1874–1948
Rainer Maria Rilke 1875–1926
Carl Jung 1875–1961
Hermann Hesse 1877–1962
Martin Buber 1878–1965
Albert Einstein 1879–1955
Ludwig Binswanger 1881–1966
Adolf Reinach 1883–1917
Franz Kafka 1883–1924
José Ortega y Gasset 1883–1955
Karl Jaspers 1883–1969
Otto Rank 1884–1939
Gaston Bachelard 1884–1962
Rudolf Bultmann 1884–1976
Georg Lukács 1885–1971
Eugene Minkowski 1885–1972
Paul Tillich 1886–1965
Franz Rosenzweig 1886–1929
Ruth Benedict 1887–1948
Frederik Buytendijk 1887–1974
Jean Wahl 1888–1974
Thomas Stearns Eliot 1888–1965
Hans Lipps 1889–1941
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1889–1951
Frieda Fromm–Reichmann 1889–1957
Gabriel Marcel 1889–1973
Martin Heidegger 1889–1976
Dietrich von Hildebrand 1889–1977
Kurt Lewin 1890–1947
Jakob Moreno 1890–1974
Edith Stein 1891–1942
Walter Benjamin 1892–1940
Alexandre Koyré 1892–1964
Reinhold Niebuhr 1892–1971
Frederick Perls 1893–1970
Charlotte Bühler 1893–1974
Max Horkheimer 1895–1971
Jiddu Krishnamurti 1895–1986
Mikhail Bakhtin 1895–1975
Wilhelm Reich 1897–1957
Georges Bataille 1897–1962
Gordon Allport 1897–1967
Wilfred Bion 1897–1979
Herbert Marcuse 1898–1979
Alfred Schutz 1899–1959
Leo Strauss 1899–1973
Henri Ey 1900–1977
Erich Fromm 1900–1980
Hans–Georg Gadamer 1900–2002
Aron Gurwitsch 1901–1973
Margaret Mead 1901–1978
Jacques Lacan 1901–1981
Alexandre Kojève 1902–1968
Carl Ransom Rogers 1902–1987
Erik Erikson 1902–1994
Theodor Adorno 1903–1969
Medard Boss 1903–1990
Otto Bollnow 1903–1991
Hans Jonas 1903–1993
Gregory Bateson 1904–1980
Herbert Spiegelberg 1904–1990
George Kelly 1905–1967
Eugen Fink 1905–1975
Jean–Paul Sartre 1905–1980
Stefan Strasser 1905–1991

Henry Ellenberger 1905–1993
Viktor Frankl 1905–1997
Hannah Arendt 1906–1975
Emmanuel Levinas 1906–1995
Jean Hyppolite 1907–1968
Jean Beaufret 1907–1982
Maurice Merleau Ponty 1908–1961
Abraham Maslow 1908–1970
Simone de Beauvoir 1908–1986
Claude Lévi–Strauss 1908–2009
Simone Weil 1909–1943
Rollo May 1909–1994
Eugène Ionesco 1909–1994
Magda King 1910–2005
Roland Kühn 1912–2005
Albert Camus 1913–1960
William Barrett 1913–1992
Paul Ricoeur 1913–2005
Albert Ellis 1913–2007
Jan Hendrik van den Berg 1914–2012
Roland Barthes 1915–1980
Hazel Barnes 1915–2008
James Bugental 1915–2008
Hans Cohn 1916–2004
Harold Garfinkel 1917–2011
Louis Althusser 1918–1990
Gion Condrau 1919–2006
John Macquarrie 1919–2007
Iris Murdoch 1919–1999
Mary Midgley 1919–2018
Adrian van Kaam 1920–2007
Thomas Szasz 1920–2012
Walter Kaufmann 1921–1980
Paulo Freire 1921–1997
Betty Friedan 1921–2006
Maurice Friedman 1921–2012
Michel Henry 1922–2002
Martti Siirala 1922–2008
Aaron Esterson 1923–1999
Joseph J. Kockelmans 1923–2008
Ernest Becker 1924–1974
Jean François Lyotard 1924–1998
Freddie Strasser 1924–2008
Mary Warnock 1924–2019
Peter Lomas 1924–2010
Clark Moustakas 1924–2012
Frantz Fanon 1925–1961
Gilles Deleuze 1925–1995
John Moorhouse Heaton 1925–2017
Michel Foucault 1926–1984
Eugene Gendlin 1926–2017
John Smidt Thomsen 1926–2016
Ronald David Laing 1927–1989
Alvin Mahrer 1927–2014
Jean Baudrillard 1929–2007
Hubert Dreyfus 1929–2017
Jürgen Habermas 1929–
Felix Guattari 1930–1992
Jacques Derrida 1930–2004
Pierre Bourdieu 1930–2002
David Cooper 1931–1986
Colin Wilson 1931–2013
Amedeo Giorgi 1931–
Stanislav Grof 1931–
Irvin Yalom 1931–
Luce Irigaray 1932–
Claudio Naranjo 1932–2019
Don Ihde 1934–
Daniel Stern 1934–2012
Leon Redler 1936–
Morton Schatzman 1936–
Hélène Cixous 1937–
Thomas Nagel 1937–
Paul Wong 1937–
John Sallis 1938–
David Smail 1938–2014
Germaine Greer 1939
Joseph Berke 1939–2021
David M. Kleinberg–Levin 1939–
Béla Buda 1939–2013
John Caputo 1940–
Anthony Stadlen 1940–
Bo Jacobsen 1940–
Andrew Feldmar 1940–
Julia Kristeva 1941–
Christopher Macann 1941–
Steve Gans 1941–
James Park 1941–
Daniel Dennett 1942–
Robert Stolorow 1942–
Naomi Stadlen 1942–
Max van Manen 1942–
Robert Solomon 1943–2007
Betty Cannon 1943–
Alice Holzey–Kunz 1943–
Lucia Moja Strasser 1944–
Mike Harding 1944–
Erik Craig 1944–
Diana Mitchell 1945–
Paul Smith–Pickard 1945–2017
Dan Stiwne 1945–
Jean–Luc Marion 1946–
Steve Ticktin 1946–
Michael Zimmermann 1946–
Miles Groth 1946–
Martha Nussbaum 1947–
Camille Paglia 1947–
Michael Guy Thompson 1947–
Perikles Kastridinis 1947–
Digby Tantam 1948–
Sarah Young 1948–
Martin Adams 1949–
Ernesto Spinelli 1949–
Andrea Sabbadini 1950–
Karen Weixel–Dixon 1951–
Alfried Längle 1951–
Raymond Kenward 1951–
Emmy van Deurzen 1951–
Les Todres 1953–
Dermot Moran 1953–
Rimantas Koèiûnas 1953–
Laura Barnett 1953–
Daniel Burston 1954–
Richard Kearney 1955–
Jean Grondin 1955–
Edwin Hersch 1955–
Paul McGinley 1955–
Babette Babich 1956–
Alison Strasser 1956–
Kirk Schneider 1956–
Simon Du Plock 1958–
Antonia Macaro 1959–
Simon Critchley 1960–
Dmitry Leontiev 1960–
Tim LeBon 1961–
Greg Madison 1961–
Gary Cox 1964–
Martin Milton 1964–
Simon Glendinning 1964–
Camila Batmanghelidjh 1964–
Alessandra Lemma 1965–
Mick Cooper 1966–
Zack Eleftheriadou 1966–
Julian Baggini 1968–
Daniel C. Sousa 1968–
Claire Arnold–Baker 1969–
Alain de Botton 1969–
Danny van Deurzen–Smith 1985–


Download an ebook of Emmy’s Groundbreaking; Psychotherapy and the Quest for Happiness or of her; Handbook of Existential Therapy Everyday Mysteries or of her recent co-authored; Skills in Existential Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Go to Emmy’s English version of Wikipedia entry: click here

Emmy has a Facebook account as well as groups for Existential Therapy, Existential Coaching and for the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling. She is happy for interested people to join these groups and take part in discussions.

Emmy also has a page on LinkedIn and groups for Existential Therapy and Existential Coaching to which she welcomes new members.

Emmy’s psychotherapy training school in London: The New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling: click here

Her private practice is at Dilemma Consultancy: click here. This website also gives details of her availability for giving international lectures and workshops.

Emmy is the current president of the Existential Movement.

Her life training classes are run through the Existential Academy: click here

She has also written numerous songs and has recorded some of these on Youtube: click here You can find her there under the name of emmyzen

Her twitter account is also in the name of @emmyzen

Link to an interview for a Greek newspaper: click here

Book a private consultation

Click here to book an appointment at Dilemma Consultancy